Podcast Research: Relating to Online Communication
Hi everyone! This week, I listened to this podcast: https://modern-mentor.simplecast.com/episodes/562-use-online-nonverbal-communication-XgKmS6Hw It explains how online nonverbal communication is extremely relevant in all aspects of life and social media. It focuses on social media and job-hunting. In the beginning of the podcast, the speaker states "When you start a new job, within moments your bosses and coworkers have googled you, bing-ed you, Facebook-ed you, LinkedIn-you, and Instagram-ed you. They've read what you've written, they've seen your poetry blog. Which means that all of it, every single bit, will factor into how they perceive you" [Use online nonverbal communication]. This relates very similarly to what we learned specifically in week 5, when we learned about online reputation, essentially when job hunting. In an article that we read that week, called "How An Online Reputation Can Hurt Your Job Hunt" by Deborah L Jacobs, she writes, ...